In the South Carolina primary, Biden secures a win.

Joe Biden has easily won the South Carolina primary.

Joe Biden has easily won the South Carolina primary, according to NBC News. This victory gives his campaign a much-needed boost, especially as recent polls show he’s in a close race with Donald Trump, his likely opponent in November.

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According to NBC News projections, Biden is set to win all 55 of the state’s delegates. He emerged victorious over a relatively weak field, including Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota and author Marianne Williamson, who ran for president in 2020. With 97% of the expected vote counted, Biden secured 96% of the votes, while Williamson and Phillips each received 2%.

After the race was called, Biden expressed gratitude to the people of South Carolina, stating they’ve put him on track to win the presidency and defeat Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Phillips took a light-hearted approach, congratulating Biden on his victory and jokingly referring to it as a “good old-fashioned whooping.” He added, “See you in Michigan.

Biden was widely seen as the top contender in the South Carolina contest. He enjoyed strong backing from influential Democrats like James Clyburn, who holds significant sway in Congress and the Black community.

Additionally, Biden’s incumbency provided fundraising advantages, giving him an added boost in the race.

The South Carolina primary marked Biden’s first appearance on the ballot for his reelection. Although he won the New Hampshire primary as a write-in candidate, those results may not count due to party rules. Biden chose not to campaign in New Hampshire out of respect for South Carolina’s first-in-the-nation status.

Biden aimed to win South Carolina convincingly to demonstrate his campaign’s strength. He visited the state multiple times before the election, including a stop at a church in Charleston where a tragic event occurred in 2015.

In South Carolina, most Democratic voters are Black. Biden spoke about his efforts to help them, like supporting historically Black colleges and addressing student loan debt.

He didn’t talk much about his primary opponents, preferring to criticize Trump instead.

After his victory in South Carolina, Biden remained steadfast in his message.

He emphasized, “There are extreme and dangerous voices at work in the country — led by Donald Trump — who are determined to divide our nation and take us backward. We cannot let that happen.”

Both Biden and South Carolina were thankful to each other. In 2020, Biden’s campaign faced challenges after losses in Iowa and New Hampshire. However, with Clyburn’s endorsement in South Carolina, Biden won the primary, regained momentum, and eventually secured the nomination.

South Carolina assumed a more significant role in the Democratic primary elections. Traditionally, Iowa and New Hampshire held the first positions, but the Democratic Party opted to place South Carolina first. This decision was driven by the desire to prioritize diversity, as South Carolina has a more varied population compared to the predominantly white populations of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Residents of South Carolina might have felt appreciative towards President Biden for using his influence as a leader in the Democratic Party to bring about this change. This shift meant that South Carolina had increased importance early in the election process, showcasing the party’s commitment to embracing a diverse electorate.

President Biden recently secured a win in New Hampshire, even though he wasn’t officially running in that state. In South Carolina, 55 delegates were at stake, and they will be distributed based on the election results. To become the Democratic nominee, a candidate needs approximately 2,000 delegates.

Some residents of South Carolina praised Biden for his efforts to improve the country. However, not everyone in the state supports him, especially among younger voters critical of his position on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Looking ahead to February 24, there’s an interesting event: the GOP primary in South Carolina featuring Trump and Nikki Haley. Democrats can participate in this primary, leading to speculation that some might support Haley to slow down Trump’s nomination. Yet, there’s a debate about whether this is a wise strategy because South Carolina Democrats want a robust turnout to emphasize the state’s importance in future elections. Congressman Clyburn, a key figure, doesn’t endorse this strategy, expressing doubt about its effectiveness.

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