Chris Christie exits the 2024 White House race, leaving with a parting shot at Trump.

On Wednesday, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced the suspension of his campaign for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. This decision marks the exit of the Republican primary’s most outspoken critic of former President Donald Trump.

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Before officially ending his campaign, Chris Christie made informal remarks picked up by a live microphone, criticizing his GOP rivals. He mentioned concerns about Nikki Haley’s ability, stating, “She’s gonna get smoked, and you and I both know it. She’s not up to this.” Christie also referred to a call from DeSantis, mentioning, “DeSantis called me, petrified that I would…” before the audio cut out. Wayne MacDonald, the New Hampshire campaign chair, confirmed being part of the conversation.

After the Media debate, DeSantis downplayed the call, stating, “I’ve been to Fallujah and Ramadi. I mean, this is nothing.” He added that he called Christie because he felt he was being treated poorly.

Christie strongly criticized his opponents, asserting, “Anyone who is unwilling to say (Trump) is unfit to be president of the United States is unfit themselves to be president of the United States.”

Chris Christie spoke at length on Wednesday, discussing his decision to end his campaign and expressing a desire that conservatives won’t rally behind Donald Trump. However, it remains uncertain how much of an impact Christie’s decision will have on GOP voters, as most polls consistently show that a majority of Republicans still prefer Donald Trump to be their party’s nominee.

Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, and Chris Christie were both vying for the support of voters who are not big fans of Trump in New Hampshire. With Christie stepping out of the race, it’s anticipated that Haley might see some benefits.

Recent surveys indicate an increasing liking for Haley in New Hampshire, especially since in that state, even people who aren’t Republicans can participate in the GOP primary. Christie had focused a lot on winning in New Hampshire, and now that he’s not in the race, polls suggest that more people who are looking for an alternative to Trump might lean towards supporting Haley.

It’s unclear if Chris Christie will suggest his supporters back another candidate. Currently, he has no immediate plans to endorse someone new, according to a Republican source. Throughout his campaign, Christie criticized Nikki Haley, even before his private comments were unintentionally recorded. He hinted that she was running to be Trump’s vice president, eyeing a shot at the presidency in 2028.

Chris Christie has decided to end his run for president, but his name will still be on the ballot in New Hampshire on January 23. During his speech, he criticized others running against Trump, saying, “Anyone who won’t say Trump is unfit to be president is unfit themselves.”

Before his announcement, there was a recording of Christie talking about his rivals on a hot mic. He mentioned Nikki Haley, saying she wouldn’t do well, and talked about a call from DeSantis, but the audio got cut off.

During his speech, Christie continued to make small criticisms of others running against Trump. When asked about anti-Trump Republicans uniting, he worried about supporting Haley and how it might look if she ends up being Trump’s vice president.

Chris Christie had denied plans to drop out, but earlier on Wednesday, he hinted at a possible change.

He urged voters in New Hampshire to consider a candidate’s character, saying, “Character doesn’t change. All the rest of the things can change.” Christie told them they didn’t have to vote for him if they found another person with good character.

Starting his presidential run in 2023, Christie criticized Trump, calling him a “lonely, self-consumed mirror hog” and warning that his re-election could be harmful for America.

In smaller meetings, Christie expressed concerns that Trump could be a risky choice for the general election, potentially leading the GOP to lose. He stated, “We keep losing and losing and losing because Donald Trump has put himself before everybody else.”

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