The US and UK carried out strikes against Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen.

The US and UK military conducted airstrikes on Thursday in areas controlled by the Houthis in Yemen. This action was in response to warnings from the Biden administration and its allies, cautioning the Iran-backed Houthi group about repeated drone and missile attacks affecting ships in the Red Sea.

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President Joe Biden ordered airstrikes because the Houthi group attacked ships in the Red Sea. With support from the UK, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, the strikes targeted locations in Yemen used by the Houthi rebels. The goal was to prevent the Houthis from causing trouble for ships in a crucial waterway.

Biden also emphasized his readiness to take additional steps if necessary to ensure the safety of people and the smooth flow of international trade.The US and its allies conducted airstrikes on over 60 locations where the Houthi group, backed by Iran, operates. The targets included places like control centers, weapons storage, and radar systems. This action was taken because the Houthis have been causing issues for ships in a crucial waterway, raising concerns globally.

Despite efforts to avoid direct involvement in Yemen due to the risk of escalating tensions, especially with the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, the coalition decided to act because the Houthi attacks on ships continued to be a significant problem.

The US recently carried out airstrikes on a group called the Houthis in Yemen, marking the first time they have done so. This comes after previous airstrikes on other groups in places like Iraq and Syria. The attacks involved fighter jets and special missiles, targeting specific locations to prevent the Houthis from causing trouble for ships in the Red Sea. The missiles were launched from planes, ships, and submarines.

The USS Florida, a guided missile submarine that entered the Red Sea on November 23, was involved in the recent attack on Yemen, according to a second US official.

Additionally, four British Typhoon jets departed from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus on Thursday evening local time, accompanied by two Voyager air-to-air refueling tankers, as reported by a British government official. The mission, which successfully hit at least 14 targets, was confirmed by UK junior armed forces minister James Heappey in an interview with the BBC on Friday.

“They flew down south and teamed up with their US colleagues to target two locations in Houthi-controlled Yemen, both of which were used for launching drone and missile attacks,” explained Heappey. He also mentioned that there are currently no more planned missions for UK teams in the immediate future.

The attacks on Tuesday were the final trigger for the decision to carry out airstrikes on Thursday.

The decision to carry out airstrikes on Thursday was prompted by the Houthi attacks on Red Sea ships on Tuesday, marking a final straw for President Biden. Despite ongoing preparations and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization, the strikes aimed to put a stop to Houthi actions disrupting shipping in the Red Sea, something deemed unacceptable by the US. The Houthis, backed by Iran, have been using drones and missiles against ships. The US hints at the possibility of more actions in the future, and there are reports of explosions in Yemen’s Hodeidah city on Friday.

The US issued a warning of “consequences” in response to ongoing Houthi attacks.

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While traveling in the region, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that if Houthi attacks persist, there will be consequences. During his visit to Bahrain, he emphasized that any US military action against the Houthis should be viewed as defensive. The United Nations Security Council approved a resolution condemning Houthi attacks on ships, with the US making language adjustments in response to requests from China. US airstrikes in Yemen are not uncommon, with nearly 400 conducted since 2002. Concerns are raised about the potential impact on the region and the risk of disrupting a US-brokered truce in the Yemen war. Some officials express worries that directly attacking the Houthis could involve the US in a more extended conflict with Iran’s participation.

Concerns about a prolonged conflict persist.

Biden’s efforts to stop Houthi attacks on ships didn’t succeed. Things escalated when the US Navy defended itself, sinking three Houthi boats in the first direct clash between the US and the Houthis. Following ongoing attacks, a joint statement on January 3 warned of consequences if the Houthis continued threatening lives and global trade routes.

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On Tuesday, the US Navy thwarted 21 missiles and drones from the Houthis, prompting a strong response from Biden on Thursday, the most robust since the attacks started. Since November 19, there have been at least 27 Houthi attacks. Tensions also rose with 131 attacks on US and coalition forces in Iraq and Syria.

Vice Adm. Bradley Cooper mentioned that 55 countries are directly connected to the targeted ships, and not all of these ships had anything to do with Israel.

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