Terms of Use

Mixtunein Terms and Conditions

a.This page describes the terms and conditions (the “Terms”) that govern your use of mixtunein.com and (i) the Information and related services and products available on or through mixtunein.com (including mobile applications and newsletters) and (ii) any updates, new versions or new releases of those services and products. Individually and collectively, we’ll refer to these services and products as the “Service”.
b.The Service is provided by mixtunein ,which we’ll refer to individually and collectively as “Mixtunein,” “we”, “us”, or “our”.
c.These Terms are for the benefit of mixtunein may enforce these Terms.
d.Certain features or components of the Service may be subject to additional terms and conditions, including user guidelines or other rules, which will be posted on the applicable Service. Those additional terms and conditions are part of these Terms.
e.Please read this page carefully. You agree that by accessing, using and/or downloading the Service, you agree to be legally bound and information to these Terms. If any of these Terms are unacceptable to you, you may stop using the Service. For those users who do not complete the registration process, your access to the Service may be limited.
f.If you access (or download) the Service through any third party platform or service, the applicable terms and conditions for such third party platform or service may apply in addition to these Terms and you agree that you are subject to such application or platforms terms in addition to these Terms.

2.Age Requirement
By using the Services and information, you agree that you are at least 18 years old.

3.Changes to Terms
From time to time, we may change these Terms without giving prior notice to users. If we do make such changes, we will post an updated version on this site (and update the “Last updated on _____” reference above). By continuing to use the Service after the updated version has been posted, you agree that you accept any changes to these Terms. If you do not accept these changes, please stop using the Service.

4.Changes to Digital Products
From time to time, we may make revise to the Service without prior notice to users, which could include modifying, discontinuing, or disabling the Service, or modifying the registration options available to users. For example, we may automatically update or upgrade the version of the Service you may be using on your mobile device. You agree to any such revise and agree that these Terms will apply to all such revisions.

Please review the mixtunein.com Privacy Statement for a description of our privacy practices. By registering for an account, making a purchase, or otherwise using our Services (including viewing our content), you acknowledge and agree that we may and will collect, use, transfer, disclose, and otherwise process your personal information as described in our Privacy Statement. Without limiting the foregoing and for clarity, you agree that we may transfer your personal information (a) outside of your home country to another country where the laws may not provide an equivalent level of protection and (b) to third parties in accordance with our Privacy Statement.

a.As part of the registration process, you will be required to submit your personal Information. If you do not complete the registration process, you will not be able to access those parts of the Service available to registered users.
b.You agree and promise that the information provided by you to us, including during the registration process, is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You will promptly inform us of any changes to your information.

7.Intellectual Property; Copyright
a.All the Content, photographs, video, audio, graphics, metadata, quotes, data, information is the property of Mixtunein.
b.The Service and Content are protected by copyrights, trademarks, design rights, patents, trade secrets, database rights under U.S. and international laws. You agree that all intellectual property rights in the Service and the Content are and shall remain the property of mixtunein . No intellectual property rights in the Information or in the Service are transferred to you.

8.Restrictions on Use
a.The Service and Information is provided by Mixtunein to you for Personal use and Information only. You should not use the information for Commercial Uses.
b.You promise that you are accessing or registering to the Service in your individual capacity . You agree not to use, transfer, distribute the Service or information in any manner that could compete with the business of mixtunein. You may not use the services or information without our prior written consent.
c.You promise to follow by absolute protocols that may be used in connection with the Service.
d.Engaging in a prohibited use of the Service or Information, or assisting in such use, may result in civil liability, criminal prosecution, sanctions, or some combination therein, under applicable federal, state, or local laws and regulations, or applicable foreign laws, rules, regulations, and treaties. Without prejudice to the other provisions under these Terms, we also reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access and/or use if you breach any of the provisions under this Section.

9.Third Party Sites and Services
a.The Service may include information created by third parties, including advertisers, sponsors, or other users. We may also link to, reference, or promote websites, applications and/or services from third parties.
b.We do not guarantee the accuracy of or endorse the views or opinions given by such third parties. We are not responsible for non mixtunein.com website advertisers or sponsors—are solely between you and that third party.

10.Other Mixtunein Services
Mixtunein related entities may discuss, offer, or promote additional services on the Service. Those services may be outside the scope of these Terms and may require a separate agreement .

11.Limitations of Our Service and Information
a.The Service and Information are provided for informational purposes only. You understand that the information on the Service does not constitute any form of tax, legal, or investment advice or opinion regarding the suitability or investment strategy. Mixtunein Never promote or put forward you to buy, sell, refrain from buying, or hold that or any other security, financial product, or investment.
b.We are not liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or delays in the Service or any information, or for any actions taken by you in reliance on the Service or Information. You agree that your use of the Service or the information is at your Own risk.
c.Mixtunein never provide any promises or warranties about the Service or the information, which are provided to you on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not make any promises about the Service or the information, or of the quality, or accuracy of the information available on or linked to from the Service. In other words, we disclaim all responsibility for any loss, injury claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting or related to your access, use, or the unavailability of the Service (or any part thereof).

12.Our Financial Responsibility to You
To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law,Mixtunein.com will not be liable—jointly or severally—for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, punitive, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to lost profits, lost savings, and lost revenues, whether in negligence, tort, contract, or any other theory of liability, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages or could have foreseen any such damages. The limitations of liability in these Terms shall apply for the benefit of our officers, directors, employees, agents, or any company to whom we may transfer our rights and obligations to in accordance with these Terms.

13.Export Controls
By using the Services contained herein, you: (a) agree to abide by the export and sanctions regulations of the United States, including the US Export Administration Regulations and the US Office of Foreign Assets Control Regulations (collectively, “Trade Regulations”); and (b) represent and warrant that you are not a specially designated, denied or unverified party as described in such Trade Regulations.

14.Choice of Law and Jurisdiction
a.These Terms shall (to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law) be governed by the laws of the State of New York in the United States, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you hereby agree that any disputes arising under or in connection with these Terms or the Service shall be submitted for resolution to federal and state courts in New York County in the State of New York, and you hereby waive any jurisdictional, venue or inconvenient forum objections to such courts.
b.Any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to your use of the Service or these Terms must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. Any claim by you that may arise in connection with these Terms will be compensable by monetary damages and you will in no event be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief. You also hereby expressly waive any right to resort to any form of class action.

a.These Terms contain the entire agreement between us regarding your use of the Service all previous agreements (if any).
b.If a court or other valid authority determines that any provision of the Terms is void, invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, such provision(s) will be ineffective only to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions will remain and not otherwise be affected.
c.If we do not enforce any provision of the Terms, that will not constitute or be construed as a waiver of such a provision or our right to enforce it.
d.The United National Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to the Terms, the Service, or any Content.

17.Company Details
Postal Address: 3377 Deer Valley Rd, Suite 173

For further inquiries, please contact us