Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee beverage with Fun Animated Illustration

Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee beverage with Fun Animated Illustration

Image Credit-Google

Monday’s Google Doodle is dedicated to flat white coffee, a popular hot beverage. The doodle features an animated artwork depicting a cup, coffee pot, spoonful of espresso, and coffee beans.

A popular espresso-based beverage believed to have originated in Australia and New Zealand. The animated doodle will be visible in various countries worldwide, including India.

The History of Flat White

“The flat white’s origin is a friendly debate between Australia and New Zealand, both claiming its invention in the 1980s.

Australia: Cafes in Sydney mentioned “flat white” on menus in 1983, with one barista adding it permanently in 1985.

New Zealand: Stories from Auckland and Wellington also claim its creation in the 1980s.

Regardless of its origins, the flat white became a cafe staple in both countries and gained worldwide popularity among coffee enthusiasts.

Google Doodle mentions: “Many believe it first appeared on menus in Sydney and Auckland during the 1980s.”

How is Flat White Made?

The Flat White! It’s espresso paired with steamed milk and a delicate layer of foam, traditionally served in a ceramic cup.”
Flat whites are a favorite among coffee enthusiasts who prefer less foam compared to lattes or cappuccinos. In Australia and New Zealand, cafes often feature skilled baristas who create beautiful designs while making flat whites. Recently, there’s been a trend of enjoying flat whites with oat milk instead of traditional dairy.The flat white is gaining popularity globally, becoming a favorite for many coffee drinkers worldwide. Google Doodle describes it as a beloved choice for a morning or afternoon pick-me-up, regardless of its origins.

How to celebrate Flat White Day?

* Enjoy a tasty flat white from your preferred coffee spot.

* Experiment with making your own flat white at home using online guides.

* Host a flat white tasting party with friends to try various versions.

* Explore the friendly debate between Australia and New Zealand about the flat white’s origin.”

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